

Leverage your drawing abilities to become a versatile creator across a variety of media

Illustration is a form of expression for communicating messages. In today's ever-evolving media landscape, creators must pursue new and captivating forms of expression to communicate messages and information effectively. The Department of Illustration has trained students to become versatile creators across various media formats, educating them across a wide range of fields, including advertising, publications, picture books, and the visual arts. Starting in 2025, a new Motion Illustration Course will be offered for students entering their second year. This course will expand to include new in-demand genres, such as video and web media.
The Department of Illustration offers a curriculum based on the themes of drawing and communication. In the first year, students focus on drawing and are exposed to a variety of techniques in order to build a rich imagination and sensitivity. From the second year on, students select a course to hone their specialized skills and pursue their own individual expression. The course aims to train students to leverage their drawing abilities to become versatile creators across a variety of media disciplines.

Features of the Department

  • Students learn the basics in their first year and then specialize in their chosen field from their second year onward

    In the first year, students take cross-listed courses in the Department of Illustration, focusing on drawing by hand and learning basic drawing and composition skills to develop a rich imagination and sensitivity. From the second year on, students will choose between the Illustration Course and the Motion Illustration Course (launching in 2025) to gain the specialized expertise and skills they need.

  • Exposing yourself to a variety of techniques and expanding your creativity

    Students will broaden their creative repertoire by learning a variety of techniques, including figure drawing, three-dimensional expression, copperplate engraving, photography, and computer graphics. They will also learn Japanese painting and ink painting and gain exposure to traditional Japanese techniques and materials. The Motion Illustration Course will offer new classes in animation and 3D computer graphics, aiming to help students acquire new skills. Through this course, students will find the means of expression that best suits them.

  • Developing the ability to communicate ideas with the real world

    Illustration is a way of getting the message across in a clearer and more appealing manner. Students will refine their visual perception skills and their ability to comprehend information. They will gain an understanding of the role of illustration and the differences between various media formats, including posters, merchandise, book design, and web media, and acquire the ability to effectively communicate with the real world through practical learning.

In their second year, students select one of two Courses


Each student has their own desk in the studio where they can immerse themselves in their work.


  • Class in the studio

  • Printer room for printing large posters


The highly specialized studies that begin in a student’s third year are directly linked to their future career path.Students learn to harness their creativity and work in various fields, including freelance illustration, picture books, art writing, and as designers or other corporate creators.The Faculty of Design also boasts a high general employment rate for its graduates’ communication abilities.

  • Building a career as an illustrator
  • Publishing works as a picture book author
  • Presenting artwork to the world as a visual artist
  • Graphic design for advertisements and magazines