

From Manga and Anime to Traditional Culture. Japanese culture to the world.

Kyoto is one of the world's leading international tourist cities. The characteristics of Kyoto, where tradition and innovation coexist and people from diverse countries and regions gather, are utilized to deepen understanding of Japanese culture. Another strength of the city is its ownership of the Kyoto International Manga Museum, a world-class manga research facility. In addition to English language skills, we also emphasize the improvement of Japanese language skills in order to develop the ability to communicate widely overseas. In our fieldwork program that connects you with the world, you can choose to be based either in Japan or overseas. Students are able to turn what they love into the ability to contribute to society and connect Japan and the world through culture. You can also obtain a national license to become a registered Japanese language teacher.

Subject Highlights

Traditional Culture
The course will examine the mechanisms by which traditional culture is created and passed on, as well as the background behind it. While starting from an understanding of the relationship between nature and humans, gain knowledge of its social function and its transformation since the modern era. Confirm the significance of traditional culture in modern times.
subcultural theory
The study will focus on contemporary Japanese popular culture, which is intertwined with each other: manga, anime, 2.5-dimensional theater, light novels, drama and film, popular music, and idols. We will examine the aspects of these cultural contents through the back-and-forth with the theories that deal with them.

What You Will Learn

  • Ability to communicate the appeal of Japanese and foreign cultures
  • Ability to compare diverse cultures and understand diversity
  • Ability to research and analyze and identify problems through experiential learning

Fieldwork Programs

We conduct surveys throughout Japan on diverse Japanese cultural themes, including popular culture such as anime and manga, as well as traditional culture, to find out what makes it appealing and what attracts the world's attention. In addition to proposing ways to disseminate Japanese culture domestically and internationally, we can also research culture from the perspective of social issues.
  • Survey of popular anime settings

    Visit the sacred places of the works and conduct a comparative study of the places depicted in the anime and the actual settings. Analyze the message that the work conveys through its story and consider the factors that made it a worldwide hit.

  • Analyzing Traditional Culture Today

    While attracting increasing attention from around the world, traditional Japanese culture faces the problem of a lack of successors and an aging population. This program investigates the situation on the ground, comparing it with traditional cultures around the world, and explores ways to solve the problems.


Career Opportunities
Registered Japanese language teachers, tour planners, curators, civil servants, curators, librarians, editors, distributors, planners, sales people, etc.

Major Employers
Japanese language schools, travel agencies, tourism and service industry, NPO/NGO, advertising, manufacturing, distribution and retail industry, etc.