

Public Talk Event: Jenova Chen, thatgamecompany

Designing to Reduce Online Toxicity

Sky: Children of the Light by thatgamecompany
Kyoto Seika University will be hosting a talk by Jenova Chen, president and creative director of thatgamecompany, the studio behind world-famous videogames such as Sky and Journey. Entitled “Designing to Reduce Online Toxicity,” this lecture is a one-off component of Study of Practical Creativity, a university career development course where students learn from today’s leading creative professionals. This special lecture will be open not only to all Kyoto Seika University students, but also to members of the general public.



date: Monday, July 8, 2024

time: 6 – 7:30pm

lecturer: Jenova Chen, thatgamecompany President and Creative Director

location: Kyoto Seika University, Meisokan 2F Main Auditorium

max no. of attendees: 500

cost: free

language: English with Japanese interpretation


For more details, please refer to the event announcement on our Japanese website.


Kyoto Seika University Office for Global Initiatives

137 Kino-cho, Iwakura, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8588 JAPAN
? Tel: 075-702-5199
? Email: kokusai@kyoto-seika.ac.jp